
Candidates preparing to take either Academic or General Training IELTS exams must ensure they attend appropriate coaching classes prior to sitting their IELTS examinations. As IELTS contains various types of questions, without taking a few sample tests they won’t gain an awareness of all that could appear during their exam and as such run into difficulties due to timing issues; many do not complete modules on time leading them down an unsatisfactory path toward better band scores.

Students taking IELTS coaching gain knowledge of all possible questions that could appear on the exam, their format, timing requirements for each section, and reading speed requirements; information they cannot obtain elsewhere.



Students learn to listen attentively and quickly transfer answers to a worksheet in 10 minutes or less.

IELTS Mock Test Reading



Students learn to recognize all of the possible questions based on text passages, as well as whether their reading speed meets test requirements, and then work towards improving it if it does not.




Students learn to present an argument and complete it within an allotted time period. Furthermore, they gain skills for managing ideas and their implementation in a timely fashion.




By enrolling in IELTS coaching classes at NOC, students can quickly assess whether their speaking abilities meet the standard. Through accessing audio and video lessons they can prepare more efficiently for the IELTS examination. An expert panel reviews mock tests taken as part of preparation courses while students submit answers for evaluation by NOC evaluators who evaluate them further before providing feedback about where improvement may be necessary.